By Zach Henkin, Forth

If you missed the electric car test drive event at our recent Home and Garden Tour, here’s your chance to learn more about how fun and easy it is to drive an electric car. Read to the end to learn about local incentive programs that make owning an electric vehicle more affordable. 

car-1209912_1920Imagine never having to go to the gas station again, cutting your car maintenance bills in half, and enjoying the quietest ride on the road. Impossible? Nope, that’s what electric vehicle (EV) ownership is all about and it’s more accessible than ever! Oh, and did we mention zero carbon emissions?

When EVs first made their appearance on the car market, ownership was a bit complex. With only a few models to choose from, limited battery range and mystifying charging options, prospective EV owners faced numerous obstacles.

Fast-forward 20 years and the future is bright!  Buyers now have a choice of three different types of EVs:  100% battery-powered electric, Plug-in Hybrids, and Extended Range vehicles, which primarily run on electricity but have a small gas motor to charge the battery. All have the bells and whistles (and safety features) of a gas-powered vehicle and are fun to drive.

More than 20 different models of EVs are available, with mini vans, SUVs, compacts, sedans and more to meet the needs of a diverse market. Range has improved drastically, with some cars able to go 70-200 miles on a single charge. The West Coast also has one of the most extensive charging networks in the world. DC fast chargers can be found in many convenient locations and most can fully charge your car in about 30 minutes.  Websites and phone apps will show you where your closest available charging station is located.

Home-charging options have increased as well. The average price of a Level 2 unit starts at around $500 and manufacturer’s rebates are widespread.  EWEB offers a $200 incentive to help offset these costs. However, many EV owners find that a standard, dedicated 110 outlet, is sufficient for their charging needs.

With our ample and green power supply, transportation electrification is a smart solution to make real progress on our community’s carbon reduction goals. Increased EV usage means we optimize the investments made in our existing electric system, which helps all our customers economically. Visit EWEB to learn if an EV is right for you and to find current program offerings that support electric vehicles.

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